BlueFlag Services.
124 Dorton St
Charlotte, NC 704-245-0119
No PT cable or such.
Quote or Estimate for 6" or less core
drill hole through Concrete Floor.
These are the parameters Choosen for
core drilling a 6" hole though a solid concrete Floor.
SetUp for core drilling (One time
Charlge only and included in the core drilling price given
1 Core drill hole $300.00
2 Core drill hole's $365.00
3 Core drill hole's $425.00
$50.00 for each additional holes
Quotes are general based on the limits
choosen. If core drill slurry is a problem please add $25 a hole
If more than 100 miles add .30 cents a mile after 100 miles from Charlotte NC.
Questions? please call 704-245-0119
Less than 8" Thick
6" core drill bit or less
Concrete Floor
Core drilling slurry OK
With in 100 miles of Charlotte