Questions you may have about laying out patterns for core drilling
Will the magic marker that I used to lay out the holes be seen?
Not if you use the right diameter circle to mark the concrete and keep the lines thins
What other marking devices will show up well on concrete?
Most dark colors of crayon, red welding pencils, some paint markers that are waterproof
Is it better to use a running total to layout holes with handrails, machine plating and columns?
Yes, if able to do so. Wehn marking each hole with a fixed measurement from hole to hole often you unknowingly add lenght or lose lenght as you mark the centers
Concrete core drilling with a diamond bit is the process of which one uses a large high speed drill to drill Clean, Non-destructive holes in concrete. The drill bit used to drill is hollow, which is where the core part comes in because instead of a regular hole like you get with a solid steel drill bit the center is left to be knocked out later after the desired core drilling depth is reached.
12 inch core drill shown.

Core Drilling can be either wet or dry.
Normally we in Charlotte, NC wet core drill most materials, and use a SDS roatary hammer drill when dry drilling.
Wet core drilling involves using water as a cooling agent as the core drill bit cuts a hole the material. Most core drill bits are embedded with bits of diamonds (in the teeth of the bit only) for cutting steel and other hard substances that may be in the concrete, brick or block you are drilling.