Charlotte Core Drill
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Carolina Precision Core Drilling Inc


Charlotte NC

Raleigh NC

Greensboro NC

A great tool for catching all the core drilling slurry produced while core drilling a concrete, brick or stone floor.

top viewpoint of our special core drill slurry catcher

Caronila Precision Core Drilling Inc. invented this core drill slurry catching tool because of our many core drilling projects that we have done over the years that requires the water used to cool the core drill bit to be contained. On a multi story building this unique tool {powered by a shop vac vacuum for suction} can catch 100% of core drilling slurry so that your slurry does not run over the edge of the concrete. Shown above are the top view of the tool. It is basically a toilet ring with a hole drilled in the outside wall for inserting a small metal pipe that uses a flexible piece of hose pipe to attach to a shop vac hose.

bottom view of our core drilling slurry catcher

On the bottom view you can see that we have slightly cut notches onto the inner ring, and sanded the whole inner ring down a bit. This is done to allow the suction power of the shop vac to vacuum the slurry up as it is expelled from the core drill bit. If you duct tape the small piece garden hose to the shop vac hose and leave the tool side loose your catcher will turn to accommodate the varying situations your will encounter when core drilling. The sample tool shown works for 4" and smaller core drill bits.

Being innovative is how we work.

Learn core drilling do's and do not's in our What is Concrete core drilling section

Concrete core drilling is construction type work, Commericial or residential or both.

You might wonder, exactly how does it differs from other types of construction tasks commonly used in todays modern construction methods.

Concrete core drilling with a diamond bit is the process of which one uses a large high speed drill to drill Clean, Non-destructive holes in concrete. The drill bit used to drill is hollow, which is where the core part comes in because instead of a regular hole like you get with a solid steel drill bit the center is left to be knocked out later after the desired core drilling depth is reached.

12 inch core drill shown.

Core drill operators in Charlotte North Carolina

Core Drilling can be either wet or dry.

Normally we in Charlotte, NC wet core drill most materials, and use a SDS roatary hammer drill when dry drilling.

Wet core drilling involves using water as a cooling agent as the core drill bit cuts a hole the material. Most core drill bits are embedded with bits of diamonds (in the teeth of the bit only) for cutting steel and other hard substances that may be in the concrete, brick or block you are drilling.

© Carolina Precision Core Drilling Inc