10" Core Drill Bit $460.00
Silver Series. Fast conrete drilling.

Core Drill bits cut right through rebar and other materials
10" cores. Notice the rebar, the brown spot in the lower right center of the picture.

This is a 10" core...
.. from one of our core drilling projects in Gastionia, NC We marked where the 10" core hole was to be drilled, then hammer drilled an additional hole down through the center of our outline and dropped a 25 foot rope down through the smaller hammer drill hole. When the 10" core was drilled the plug did not hit the bottom of the water santitation tank we were drilling.

Carolina Precision Core Drilling Inc
uses only our brand of BlueFlag core drill bits to core 10" hole in concrete about 388 times a year. Our 10" core drill bit is large enough for the pipe or boot that needs to fit in the concrete wall or floor. A favorite among contractors who do their own core drilling.
Silver Series 10" core bit has an 1 1/4" x 7 tpi hub thread. 10mm Teeth.
Picture 3 is a 4" concrete core cut from a concrete floor on Dawson St, Raleigh NC. Notice the very heavy rebar. Our Silver series 10" core drill bit makes takes on any concrete wall, footer, or building. Our 10" core bit cuts reinforced concrete with any size rebar.
Average close to 40 holes drilled with this core drill bit with medium to lite weight concrete and more through brick or block structures.