6" Core Drill Bit $ 260
Silver Series. Fast conrete drilling.

6" core drill bits

6" core drill bits is...
where the fun begins. Now you have to start thinking about the weight of the core as most 6" cores are very heavy and can cause alot of damage if not properly handled.
Above (4th picture) you can see a good size rebar that our 6" core bit cut staight through. Its tough and eats reinforced concrete like a pig in slop.
We core nearly 3000 6" concrete holes every year. This 10mm diamond embedded, rough and tough 6" core bit has an 1 1/4" x 7 tpi hub thread.
Picture 4 is a 6" concrete core cut from a concrete floor in Columbia, SC. That peice of rebar that you see did not stand a chance. Our Silver series 6" will cut this core and many more before it reires.
Our 6" core bit cuts reinforced concrete with any size rebar.
Average close to 40 holes drilled with this core drill bit with medium to lite weight concrete and more through brick or block structures.