8" Core Drill Bit $ 360
Silver Series. Fast conrete drilling.

8" core drill bits

8" core drilling..
is where the rock meets the pavement as 8" cores tend to be very heavy. Carolina Precision Core drilling Inc. core drills nearly 600 8 inch holes in concrete a year. We do it all the time. An 8" inch core bore core should be cut at 400 Rpm or slower for best results.
Our rough and tough 8" core bit has an 1 1/4" x 7 tpi hub thread. 10mm Teeth. It will not break unless you force it.
Picture 3 is a 8" concrete core cut from a concrete floor on Charlotte NC. The core is about 25 lbs, not something you want to catch in a plastic bucket so be careful.
Our Silver series 8" core drill bit takes on any concrete building. Our 8" core bit cuts reinforced concrete with any size rebar.
Average close to 40 holes drilled with this core drill bit with medium to lite weight concrete and more through brick or block structures.